Sunday, February 1, 2009

Isaac Klepper - Obituary Notice

The Weekly Enquirer, McKinney, Collin County, Texas, December 9, 1882 Vol. 16 No. 43

Abstracted by Jan Bennett MacFarland ....



Tribute of Respect. At a stated meeting of Plano Lodge, No. 235, A. F. And A.M. held in the Lodge Room at Plano.....the following preamble and resolutions were adopted. Whereas, it has pleased the All Wise Ruler of the Universe to remove by death from our midst October, 1882, our worthy and esteemed brother I. K. KLEPPER.....Members will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. [Signed] Joe W. BEVERLY, F. J. VANCE, J. Y. LOVELACE, Committee.

Death of an Old Citizen. George W. BARNETT, a citizen of this county for some thirty years, died at his home near Plano, on the night of the 7th instant. He went to bed in his usual health, but about 11 o’clock he made complaint. Physicians were summoned but before their arrival, he was dead. It is supposed he died from affection [sic] of the heart. He was about 62 years of age, and a most excellent citizen. He leaves a wife and eight children. He will be buried at the Masonic burial ground near Plano, on Saturday at 12 o’clock.


* Page 7 of the "History and Genealogy of the Jacob Klepper/Clepper Family" by Lucille Clepper Mehrkam. LOC # 86-62751

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