Thursday, May 7, 2009

Klepper DNA Project

These details were found at
We do not endorse this, but found the idea interesting.


We have the Klepper DNA Project at World Family Trees up and running. This includes all spellings of Clepper.

We have several pages for our project.
Patriarch Page:
This feature where we have added a simple direct line pedigree on the "Patriarch Page", please take a look from time to time as we add more Project Members Pedigrees.

y-Results Page: We have one participant
We will post the y-dna results to this table.

Order Page: give information on ordering and pricing of tests

mtDNA Page: We have one participant
We will post the mtDNA results to this page, post the matriarch pedigree, and supply information on ordering tests for the mtDNA.

DISC Page: Discussion Page

HELP Page: this page provides information on DNA and how to use DNA

Join Project Page:

Forum Page

Pedigree Page: you can upload your pedigree and the administrator will take it from there and put it into the formate they are using for either the mtDNA pedigree or the y pedigree.

I hope that everyone will look at the Project, let me know what you think. Feel free to join the project.

Thank you,
Patricia Fisher Hamill
Klepper Project Administrator

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